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DSCF0907 DSCF0908 DSCF0909 DSCF0910 DSCF0911 DSCF0912
Nice view though
The nose, aka swede or turnip
Water on the kettle.
Marcus trying to dry his trousers
Preparing the neeps!
Doesn't this look good? Neeps, carrots, parsnips and a lot of butter!
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John, Peter and Geoff with the haggis

Fair fa' your honest, sonsie face,
Great chieftain o the puddin'-race!
Wendy, Dave, Effie and Marcus eating
Warden Ewan with his two-eyed reflex camera
Hannah's birthday cake
Hannah's birthday party
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Party time!
Cutting the cake
A view down the glen
and a view up the glen!
Planting again, but in better weather
Standing proudly!

West Affric Thistle Camp April 2006

zondag 23 april 2006

Generated by Galerie

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