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The inundated path
Going down towards Affric now
Water on the path, again
And more of it!
And even more here! However, a water path with hard underground is prefable to a boggy one!
No signs of civilization in sight here
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Just a wee fence to protect a few tiny trees from the deer!
Good to have a bridge if the burn is in spate!
However, does it look trustworthy?
Rather the bridge then going through this though
All the water, where does it come from, where does it go to?
Two small burns make one big one!
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Fast water!
Our destination becomes visible in the background!
Finally a dry road?
Alltbeithe youth hostel
Inside it's dry and warm!
John making his Canadian beef!

West Affric Thistle Camp April 2006

zondag 23 april 2006

Generated by Galerie

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