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DSCF0968 DSCF0969 DSCF0970 DSCF0971 DSCF0972 DSCF0973
The river Affric, seen from the bridge at Strawberry Cottage
This croft was habited until 1950
Strawberry Cottage. Nice place, is it for sale?
A last view on Glen Affric
Everybody (or is it anybody?) for one more time
A view of Loch Affric
DSCF0974 DSCF0975 DSCF0976
Dalwhinnie, noted for its malt whisky... and its WC!
The bridge over the river Tay at Dunkeld
Forth Bridge... almost there and back to the "civilized" world!

West Affric Thistle Camp April 2006

zondag 23 april 2006

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